Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Linked List C++ booking reservations program

Create a booking events program using doubly-linked list in C++ in order to manage a Hotel
Conference Room Renting Schedule. Specifically, you will need to implement two classes,
Booking and BookingNode. Booking is the “main” class, and it maintains the schedule as a
doubly-linked collection of BookingNodes. Each BookingNode has a name and duration and
represents a single event on the schedule. A header for both classes has been provided, and
you are not allowed to modify this file.

The program starts with an empty schedule of length 24, to which the user may add (and later
cancel) events. As user adds and removes events to the schedule, there are five main
challenges your code should overcome:
• All valid changes (e.g., booking a new event during a free period or cancelling an existing
event) should be reflected when the schedule is printed.
• Scheduling or cancelling events should not change the total length of the schedule.
• The schedule should never show two consecutive events (or free periods) with the same
name. Instead, consecutive events with the same name should be joined together into a
single event with a duration equal to the sum of the original events.
• Every event must have a positive (i.e., non-zero) duration.
• All allocated BookingNodes must be deallocated.

The uploaded zip file has a pdf with more details about the project specifics as well as the header and driver files…

Computer Science Homework Help

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