Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Machine Learning Subject


In this assignment you will apply the concepts learn so far regarding python, numpy, matplotlib and pandas. In one of the class exercise we studied how to draw candlestick chart for three candle data. Candlestick charting is commonly used to understand stock market time series data and patterns within that data. In this assignment, I have attached spy.csv and try to find following 3 candle patterns shown in diagrams within that data. Image 1 is attached below.

Once these patterns are identified for various date, save these three candles for drawing and verification. You should draw grid of three candle patterns as shown below as illustration. The example below shows organization of visualization by copying same pattern / date multiple time. In your case, you will have several different date patterns that looks like patterns shown above. You must also submit your approach for finding these patterns (data transformation, matching etc.).Image 2 is attached below

Computer Science Homework Help

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