Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Database Administration

Task 1:

Recovery of data is crucial and is one of the core tasks performed by a database administrator. Discuss with suitable examples, the guidelines that a database administrator should consider when configuring a database instance redo log. Your solution should include the necessary SQL commands (as screenshots) to configure the redo logs.

I have provided a PDF book link to be used as a reference as well as you may use additional resources that are available to you.


– the solution must be written as a maximum of 5 pages.
– you must execute the SQL commands so as to take the screenshots.
– the similarities should be zero or less as possible by written in your own words.

Task 2:

Network design consideration by a database administrator. Discuss with suitable examples the guidelines that a database administrators should consider when designing a network related to database.

I have provided a PDF file and as a book link to be used as a reference as well as you may use additional resources that are available to you


– the solution must be written in a maximum of 4 pages.
– prepare PPT file to be used for presentation.
– the similarities should be zero or less as possible by written in your own words.

This test is available in chapter 4 in the book called ( Oracle 10g administration first edition study guide), which is available in the below link. Try to summarise the information that is available and the PDF book.,%201z0%20042%20-%202005(1).pdf

Computer Science Homework Help

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