Business & Finance Homework Help

Discussion. How to Respond to Requests to Act Unethically Imagine that you work for a mortgage broker. You are considering the application for a mortgage for someone who falls below the income thre

Discussion.  How to Respond to Requests to Act Unethically

Imagine that you work for a mortgage broker. You are considering the application for a mortgage for someone who falls below the income threshold. When you bring the application to your supervisor, she tells you “Just approve it. We need to make our quota this month. Who cares if they go into foreclosure!” Referring to the suggestions in your text about how to resist requests to act unethically, what would you do?

Regardless of whether you are an attorney arguing in court or a business stakeholder pitching to shareholders or a potential client, adding support for your argument from appropriate resources strengthens your content. For this discussion board, be sure to include a citation to an appropriate source that supports the point you are making. (HINT: Your textbook is a great source!)

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