Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. CON 100 Participate Module 7 DAU Lesson 8 Discussion

Participate Module 7 DAU Lesson 8 Discussion

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  • As a contracting officer, it is important that you understand federal government finance programs and appropriation law. Please identify the different types of appropriations including their purpose and time period in which funds must be obligated. Please explain the Anti Deficiency Act, Appropriations Acts, and Bona- fide Need Rule. Why is it critical to have on your acquisition team member that has an understanding of the financial management process and the importance of having a financial manager in the team.


  • Each student shall participate in the discussion for this chapter.
  • (Thoroughly and within 400 words) address the topic, as well as, comment (100 words) on at least 3 other members of the class.
  • Click on the Reply link below to submit your assignment.

Business Finance Homework Help

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