Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Week 1 Details

Discussion one: Due 09/23

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 from the course text.

Most employees of companies that have an internet network and/or information assets, are notified (via an employee handbook) that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy for employees while they are using the company’s digital resources (e.g., accessing the company network, sending company emails, etc.). Additionally, for security and risk management purposes, a company can monitor the digital activities of its employees. However, the company may or may not notify its employees that it is currently monitoring specific employees’ digital activities—this is up to the company’s discretion.

For this discussion, you will take on the role of CIO (Chief Information Officer) for a large organization with many information assets. In your initial post, address the following:

  • Analyze the pros and cons related to employee notification of organizational digital monitoring.
  • Assume your organization decides to monitor an employee and to notify that employee of the digital monitoring. In your own words, draft notification language that your organization would use to inform the employee that he/she is being digitally monitored.

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words.

Discussion 2: Due 09/23

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment read the Extending Learned Hand’s Negligence Formula to Information Security Breaches article and Chapters 1and 2 from the course text.

It is very important for an aspiring CIO to understand the full implications of their “Duty of Care.” For your initial post, review and select a real-life case study from the examples mentioned in the introduction to the “Extending Learned Hand’s Negligence Formula to Information Security Breaches” article above, regarding the breach of duty of a CIO, or other IS professional.

In the body of your post,

  • Identify the various aspects related to your case study and define, in your own words, the Duty of Care owed by the IS professional to the organization.
  • Analyze your case study and provide a specific explanation of how the IS professional breached this defined duty. Describe who was harmed by this breach and how this harm manifested.

Evaluate the case study, including your own analysis, and, in a separate document, create a protocol you would enact to prevent or discourage this type of breach in the future. Attach your document to your initial post with the required information. Include a full APA citation, as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.), for your case study at the end of your attached protocol document.

Your initial post should be a minimum 300 words.

Assignment: Due 09/27

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1 and 2 from the course text and review any relevant information from this week’s lecture. Review the instructions below and research at least two additional scholarly sources and a minimum of two credible professional sources to support your statements. (Access the MISM Credible Resource Guide (Links to an external site.) for assistance with finding appropriate credible professional resources. In addition, review the Keywords Are Critical (Links to an external site.) and Database Search Tips tutorials for some basic research guidelines.)

You are the CIO of a publicly traded corporation and the Board of Directors seeks your help in establishing an Audit Committee for their organization that would review its overall controls. Some of these controls will pertain to financial and accounting practices. In addition, the audit committee will address the management of data held and processed by the company. The Board of Directors seeks your guidance on the ethical/appropriate management of the data assets held by the organization. It is regarding these latter issues that the Board of Directors seeks your guidance. For this assignment, you will evaluate the role of audit committees and create guiding principles that will serve as a foundation for protection and management of data.

In a three- to five-page paper, address the following:

  • In your own words, provide a definition of an audit committee for a publicly traded corporation.
  • Analyze the role of audit committees.
  • Explain why an audit committee is an important part of organization’s governance structure.
  • Generate three to five guiding principles of a mission statement that will direct the audit committee in making decisions regarding the protection and management of company data.
  • Explain how each guiding principle supports the audit committee in its oversight responsibilities.

The Audit Committee paper

Grading Rubric: Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Business Finance Homework Help

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