Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ISQA3420 decision making from an international perspective

For this case study, we are looking at a fantastic firm from India called Infosys. This case study focuses on global issues so some of what you read here may be a little challenging.

If it helps, consider these case studies as providing a very dry brief or a memo to your team. It should be readable within a minute or two and provide info and sources for that info.

Dry does not mean boring, it just means (in this circumstance) direct, to the point, and no waste.

Pertinent info is:

  • Your job is to select and present the most pertinent, most current information available to you.
  • As in any essay, you must document the sources of your information so that your reader could find the original source of the information if desired.
  • A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts (Strunk and White 1979).

Additionally, you are not making conclusions or speculations or determining next steps. Your conclusion should just restate the essay’s path.

You are to do the following:

  • Read: Case-Infosys (PDF attached)
  • Research a little about what happened to the company, what about the technology has carried forward since then.
  • Find 5 examples of what Infosys has been up to. Be mindful of the international perspectives outlined in the case study.
  • Connect those examples together in a report.

Once you’ve done your due diligence, there are 2 deliverables you must provide.

  • Create a Slide Deck (Refer to the example in the Files Tab Folder ‘Examples’)
    • Slide deck must be 18 slides total and MUST include these 3 slides:
      • A Title Slide (Please call your presentation something)
      • A TLDR slide or, 3 sentence overview of your presentation
      • A final slide with your names and contact information (email / social media)

If you wonder what I’m on about with the ppt, please check out: (Links to an external site.)

  • Write 1000 words about this case study
  • o Consider how what this technology does relates to how their company is run.
  • o Did the company make good decisions? Has it since the case study?
  • o Show me you all learned something.
  • Submit 2 files:
    • 1 PDF
    • 1 PPT(x)

# Use footnotes to cite the work.

Business Finance Homework Help

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