Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University of Windsor Section 3 Timeline Visual Graph & Strategy Monitoring Worksheet


Section 1: Megan

Two options: Low cost or differentiation strategy

– Explain the ways they could each and include a financial aspect of both

– Select either the low cost or the differentiation and explain in detail how to achieve it in the short term and long term

  • If they want to continue in Russia – low cost, if they want to excel in other markets then differentiation.
  • If they want to continue with their original strategy of differentiation they could continue in Latin American/NA/SA markets, in Russia they should NOT lower their costs, they should try to offer a different product to get a different part of the Russian market, such as after-sales service or appliance features, delivery, 24hr help, (these services are great ways to utilise their strong Russian workforce) etc
  • They should not leave Russia because they are experienced in global expansion and have the resources to do so.
  • Assuming they go with differentiation, Fagor is not the right partner, because they are not high end

Section 2: Sydney

– Use the 7s model to explain how the plan will be implemented

– focus on after care services

Section 3: Dareen

– Explain how we would monitor the progress and what to do if it wasn’t working

– Include a timeline (visual graph)

Business Finance Homework Help

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