Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. executive business communication


Why should I invest in your product/services?

Your task is to present your product/services to investor(s) and convince him/them to accept your business proposal.The template is just a guide. You are encouraged to use your creativity.


In this presentation, we are as a group decided to choose a coffee business in Riyadh (DEEM COFFEE)

It got a unique service and it got a plan to grow, so you are flexible with the work as long it will be attractive to the investors, please note that in Riyadh there is very high competition in the coffee industry. One of the ideas is to serve the coffee to the workplace to the customers and in the deem coffee shop we are going to make it a pet friend to give more competitive advantage and you can add any ideas from your perspective you think it will be profitable.

this 2 files is the criteria that provided in the class

this sample_valueproposition_businessproposalf is or the required presentation

Business Finance Homework Help

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