Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MailChimp Email

Mailchimp is an ESP (Email Service Provider) that allows firms to send mass emails without alerting spam filters, easily creates CAN-SPAM compliant emails and allows for superior tracking and analytics. Most firms use a tool like this to create email campaigns. Capterra provides a tool to compare the top software brands. As you browse the site, consider the following:

  • According to Capterra, what are the top three most popular email marketing software vendors?
  • Using the Capterra comparison tool, compare the three top vendors. What are three of the most compelling features that they share that you think would appeal to email marketers? Why do you think these features would appeal to email marketers?

Remember, email is best used as a retention tool to people we already know. If you were sending to a live list of customers or prospects, you would first send a welcome email asking their permission to send future emails or you would have already gathered permission another way. You can continue working in MailChimp after your instructor evaluates your email and provides feedback, as long as you have permission!

  1. Review the first two units of the LinkedIn Learningvideo series Learning Mailchimp on setting up a Mailchimp account and creating a list and sending an email. (Instructions for accessing LinkedIn Learning)
  2. Create a template for an email to introduce your product to potential investors for your project. Use the Mailchimp test function to send yourself and your instructor a copy of the email. Y
  3. You will need to submit a PDF file of the email to this assignment.

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