Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. AW education assignments

Please complete all parts

Part 1

Post a brief explanation why you decided to pursue an MSED, what specialization you are enrolling in, and your professional goals and aspirations. Then, explain why you chose a University and how your professional goals and aspirations align with a University vision and mission statements. Finally, explain a professional disposition, diversity proficiency, or technology proficiency that you hope to gain while enrolled in the MSED program.

Part 2

Post with a written transcript In your post:

Explain your view of teacher professionalism and how it guides your professional practice.

Explain how professionalism relates to the NBPTS five core propositions, professional dispositions, and diversity and technology proficiencies.

Part 3

  • What is your local educational climate and how does it fit into the larger educational climate?
  • What is the greatest challenge for teachers in the 21st-century educational climate, and how might you work to overcome that challenge in your local educational climate? How can that empower all students and increase student achievement?

Part 4

Post a brief explanation of your ideas for this module’s Assignment. Then, pose at least two questions regarding specific feedback and/or resources to your colleagues (referring to part

Part 5

Post an explanation of Professional Learning Communities, the benefits and challenges of PLCs for educators, and the impact they have on student success. Then, explain the greatest benefit of a PLC focused on advocacy and positive social change in your educational setting. In your explanation, be sure to provide information on how you might form this type of PLC as well as the supports and challenges you might face in its formation.

Support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources and/or personal experiences.

Part 6

For this Discussion, you will create and post a graphic organizer summarizing your professional philosophy of education

Part 7

  • Explain where you found information explaining that the MSED program does not lead to licensure.
  • Search for and view one webinar from some type of Writing Center. Identify the name of the webinar below and include its URL. Then, explain what you learned and how it might help you throughout the MSED program. Finally, identify two other webinars that might help you in the future (include their titles and URLs from the Walden Writing Center website).
  • Conduct a search for Grammarly; include a link to its URL. Then, explain what it is and how you might use it in your MSED program.
  • Explain what peer-reviewed journals are and where you found this information. Then, search for and identify three peer-reviewed journals that you might use in the MSED program and/or for your specialization in particular.
  • Find the definition of plagiarismThen, in your own words, explain what plagiarism is and how you might avoid it throughout your MSED program. (Hint: What resource is available to you to prevent plagiarism?)
  • Read the following fictitious paragraph and paraphrase what you feel it means with the proper in-text APA citation and format:

Non-cat owners were five times more likely to have suffered a heart attack, 10 times more likely to have been diagnosed with heart disease, and 12 times more likely to feel stressed at least one time per week. Cat owners who spent at least 2 hours petting their cats daily reported less stress, lower incidences of heart disease, and overall better general health. (Katz, 2008, p. 12)

Katz, F. (2008). Effects of cat ownership on human health. Journal of Animal-Human Interactions, 1(1), 8–14.

Part 8

See attachment labeled survey and complete the attachment

Part 9

Compose a 3- to 5-page paper that answers the following:

  • What is your definition of teacher professionalism in the 21st-Century? Support your definition with specific references to the journal articles and the Learning Resources for this module.
  • As we enter the 21st-Century and encounter changes in how educational practices help P–12 students learn, where are you now in demonstrating your definition of teaching professionalism in your current practice?
  • How do you anticipate transforming your professional practice and your vision of teaching and learning as a result of the MSED program? Support your response with specific references to the Learning Resources on propositions, dispositions, and proficiencies.
  • How might you argue that Haney was creating positive social change? How might you create positive social change within your teaching setting? Support your response by relating it to your own definition of teacher professionalism in the 21st-Century.

Part 10

Compose, from the perspective of a teacher-leader and mentor, a 3- to 5-page letter to the teacher in the VFE that:

  • Explains the teacher’s strengths based on the NBPTS core propositions as well as Professional Dispositions, Technology Proficiencies, and Diversity Proficiencies. In your letter, provide specific examples from the VFE as well as the Learning Resources to support your explanations.
  • Explains a teaching practice from the VFE upon which the teacher may wish to improve and how to improve upon that practice. Support your explanation with specific references to the NBPTS core propositions as well as Professional Dispositions, Technology Proficiencies, and Diversity Proficiencies.
  • Explains your view of the educational environment reflected in the classroom and how the VFE teacher might create a high-performing environment in the classroom. Support your explanation with specific references to the Learning Resources from this course.

Part 11

Create an 8- to 10-slide, narrated multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi, etcwhich includes the following:

  • An explanation of a problem or challenge in your school setting or community and how it fits within the global educational climate.
  • A plan for how you intend to be an agent for positive social change with regard to the problem or challenge you identified. (Use SMART Goals as the basis for your plan for social change.)
  • An explanation of the impact of positive social change on your local environment you hope to make through the implementation of your plan

Part 12

Compose a 5-6 page paper that includes the following three parts:

Part 1: Professional Dispositions

  • Using your notes from the Dispositions Survey for ILP1, indicate your areas of strengths and areas for improvements. If you are already proficient in an area, provide specific examples from your teaching practice and include an action plan for continuing growth in that area. For areas needing improvement, indicate specific actions you will take to improve. Any references used should be cited appropriately using APA style.

Part 2: NBPTS Core Propositions

  • Using your notes from the NBPTS Core Propositions self-assessment indicate your areas of strengths and areas for improvements. If you are already proficient in an area, provide specific examples from your teaching practice. For areas needing improvement, indicate specific actions you will take to improve. Suggested length for the NBPTS Core Proposition section: 1-2 pages in paragraph form. Any references used should be cited appropriately using APA style.

Part 3: Technology Proficiencies

  • Using your notes from the Technology Proficiencies’ self-assessment indicate your areas of strengths and areas for improvements. If you are already proficient in an area, provide specific examples from your teaching practice. For areas needing improvement, indicate specific actions you will take to improve. Suggested length for the Technology Proficiency section: 1-2 pages in paragraph form. Any references used should be cited appropriately using APA style.

Part 13

Compose a 2- to 3-page reflective essay that synthesizes your thoughts on the following:

  • What is your own professional philosophy of education?
  • How have past educational and professional experiences shaped your philosophy and your identity as a teacher? Be sure to include specific experiences to support your response.
  • How might your philosophy of education and identity as a teacher connect to how you want to effect positive social change in your educational environment?
  • How do you plan to grow as an advocate for your students and a leader in your school, community, and/or specialization?

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