Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. paper on economy

Once you have viewed the four videos provided posted for this week, please answer the questions below in a Microsoft Word document.

  • What is economic growth and how do we use GDP to measure an economy?
  • What cause or contribute to the growth of an economy?
  • What is the rule of 70?
  • What is a catch up effect and convergence hypothesis?
  • Why some countries are growing faster than the others? Why some countries are poor and others are rich?

In answering the above questions, use the experience of economic growth of the Unites States, China, Brazil, and Africa.

Write in complete sentences using proper grammar. An expected report length is 1-2 pages. Please be sure to cite this source and any additional resources using APA format.

Submit your assignment in the drop box.

The Grading Criteria for your APA paper is as follows:

  • 20% – Foundation of Knowledge – analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence
  • 30% – Application of Knowledge – Well-supported ideas and Intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment
  • 20% – Organization of Ideas/Format – Explanation of all major points and original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas
  • 20% – Writing Skill – Command of grammar, clear and concise writing style, proper word usage, error free
  • 10% – APA Format – Proper use of In-text citations and properly formatted References Page

Business Finance Homework Help

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