Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. please do the part 3,4,5 of the project. I have upload the part 2 you could see that

Team Project – Part 3 – Measure

This project is designed to allow you to complete primary components of a quality improvement project. The information for areas of improvement will come from Quality Trees and a ServQual assessment. You will use this information to work through the Six Sigma DMAIC Measurement process. You will need to define the Critical to Quality elements and how to measure them.

Measure Phase:

  1. Continue to revise and develop CTQ Trees as needed. Use the in-class exercise sheet that we did on 1/23. Write a brief narrative to explain your conclusions. (the last question on the sheet)
  2. Complete a ServQual assessment. Determine major gaps. Include a narrative of your findings.
  3. List the new and revised (if you revised them) CTQ components of this project.
  4. Decide on an appropriate tool to measure each CTQ. Use these tools to establish baseline measurements (as reasonably possible) for all CTQ points. Record each measurement on a separate chart. Note: I realize this is a class exercise, so “develop” the tool that you would use and fill it in as reasonably possible. I realize that you might not be able to actually employ the tool because it would be unreasonable.

Additional Grading Considerations:

  1. Document is professionally written using the language of Six Sigma.
  2. Document is written and formatted as if it were being presented to a Senior executive and sponsor of your project.
  3. The procedure for the use of the tools was followed correctly.
  4. Were the results presented in graphical format as specified (ie Flowchart, CTQ baseline and control charts, Pareto Charts)?

Project – Part 4 – Analyze (and improve)

In this phase, You will decide on future actions to take. This is the “how” phase. tell me how you would fix the problems.

-You will prepare recommendations for improving each CTQ component. Basically, you will tell me how you intend to fix each each and every problem that you mentioned.

-You will prepare (as needed) a suitable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) or other instructions for use by the departments when this process is implemented.

Project – Part 5 – (Improve and) Control

Control (we skipped improve because this is a class exercise)

You will prepare a report on how to continue the improvement process. Answer the following points:

-what they could do to monitor these changes, (2-3 pages)

-what they could do to ensure improvement occurs in the future, (1-2 pages)

-what you learned, (1 page)

-what you would do differently if you needed to do this project over, and (1/2 page)

-which of these skills and tools you feel are most valuable in the “real world”. (1/2 page)

Business Finance Homework Help

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