Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Create Excel charts. homework help

Create a custom table in Excel for your chosen project with charts listed below; use the 40 pre-coded research questions that you created in the Course Project 1 of this module for the data that you will include in the charts.The charts will be copied into the course project Word document for submission.

Please review the following video that provides a good introduction on how to enter data and create Excel charts for this course project:

Excel and Questionnaires: How to enter the data and create the charts (14.36 min) 

Please remember to include the following in your Excel spreadsheet:

  • Sampling techniques 
  • Sample size
  • Mean 
  • Deviations 

Combine the charts on separate sheets with your written paper and add two additional pages explaining the table and the information shown on the table.

Business Finance Homework Help

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