Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Easy PowerPoint/Auditioning for Reality TV assignment, communications homework help


I need three pictures of tangible objects (like show and tell) and need to know why they are important to me and why I should be selected for this reality TV show.

REALITY SHOW I AM CHOOSING (unless you have a better idea)= Startup U

For this presentation, pretend you are auditioning for a reality TV

show (it can be a real or fictitious show). You must use three personal

items to effectively describe who you are and why you should be selected

for the show – imagine it’s like a Show & Tell speech from elementary school. You are to tell the audience why you chose the items and why you should be picked for the show.

1. Introduction (tell us your name, preview your objects, grab the audience’s attention)

2. Body (further discuss your three objects and why they are important, connect each with transitions)

3. Conclusion (make a last impression, restate why you should be selected for the show)

Thisis for my public speaking class. The PowerPoint does not have to be long. I just can’t think of three objects to use and what to say. This “speech” is only 1-2 minutes, so it doesn’t have to be long.

I mostly just need the three objects and why they are important and why I should be chosen for the reality show.

Business Finance Homework Help

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