Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Read my note and the instruction file please.

Hi there,

I am gonna upload the instruction of the paper, and please read carefully the instruction. It has all the information that you need to write this paper. It’s about 4 pages longs not including the reference page. Also, when you open the instruction file, it says that it’s a team project. Actually, it is and it’s not. Let me clarify this tho. The instruction file is set up as a team project but we are doing the project individual. We are 4 in the team and each of us has an individual topic to write about, but all of our topic discusses pretty much the same issue. this is why the professor put us in team so that we can do a weekly report and that’s all. I just need to clarify this so you should have not to worry about the paper.

The topic of the paper is “Forms of cognitive dissonance and job satisfaction”

One last thing, after you wrote the paper, I need you to make 4 slides powerpoint presentation because I am gonna be presenting what you wrote. And I need a note to each slide about what I am going to say in audiance. Good Luck!

Thank you. Feel free to shoot me a text if you need to 832-692-5081.

Business Finance Homework Help

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