Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Tableau Project (Data analytics & Audit of revenues)

Here are the instructions for the Tableau project: Fall 2020 Tableau Project.pdf

Please include all the files required in the instructions including the memo, twbx file and a script for the 35 minute YouTube video with its visualizations

Here is an overview of the project with guidance on merging the data files and ideas on analysis (DO NOT include any of these visualizations in your project – you will get zero credit for any thing you copy from this presentation): IAE case introduction slides.pdf

Here is the data file: IAE student data.xlsx

Here is Appendix A: Appendix A.jpg

and Appendix B: Appendix B.docx

Here is the grading rubric: Tableau Project Rubric.docx

Save the project using “File, Save As” This should save your file as a .twbx file.

Please follow the instructions and the rubric carefully

Let me know if you have any question

Business Finance Homework Help

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