Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Business Plan

The Rubric is attached, I was required to write my own business plan. Please follow the detail to finish the business plan.I also have 3 presentations (10mins) to do, and they are all related to this business plan. For the presentation, you should present it in the Microsoft word format as if it is the sections of your business model plan which should be 10 minutes. First Presentation Topic (give me the presentation on 9/13/2017 or before): company description, Industry analysis, Market analysis. Second presentationTopic (give me the presentation on 10/8/2017 or before): Competition, Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy, operations. Third Presentation topic (give me the presentation on 11/10/2017 or before): Management and organization, Long-term development, Financial statements, Executive Summary. Finally please give me the business plan

Business Finance Homework Help

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