Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. need help second step project

Link to Instructions on how to complete the Weighted Decision Matrix: Link (Links to an external site.)

This activity will continue your “Global Business Plan” by giving you the opportunity to identify three countries from the same emerging market region, and to evaluate them for potential risk factors; with the eventual goal of selecting one country for expansion, and a target city (in Section 3).


  1. Review the full Global Business Plan project description, found in the Modules. Use the resources provided below to complete Section 2.
  2. Select three countries within the emerging market region of the world you selected in Section A and conduct research to further assess for potential risk factors.
    • Conduct a comparative PESTLE analysis (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) of each of the three countries within that geographic region that are being considered for potential expansion.
    • Study the cultural differences and areas of potential misunderstanding or risk, including perceived corruption levels for each of the three countries.
    • Complete the Weighted Decision Matrix provided above, and begin completing this chart.
      • Note on completing matrix: In the first column, assign Weights to each of the 9 criteria, based on the perceived importance of the Decision Factor to your company. For example, consider “Environmental Factor.” If your company is opening a tourist hotel, you may assign a high weight such as 3.0 or 4.0, because the weather will greatly impact your tourism business. In the next three columns A, B and C, begin comparing the three countries. If one is prone to frequent hurricanes, you will want to assign a probability score of “1 or 2” that indicates higher risk for the Environmental Factor.

Section B – PESTLE/ RISK Analysis & Cultural Analysis

  • Research three countries in the selected emerging market region.
  • Conduct PESTLE for all three countries. (This will be continued in Section 3)
  • Conduct a Cultural Analysis of all three countries.
  • Begin assessing potential risk factors in all three countries.


Section B – Objectives, Readings and Resources



In Section B, you will start research in order to complete the Weighted Decision Matrix.

The narrative for Section B should appear CLEARLY LABELED in your Google Doc (your personal link was submitted in Section A’s assignment in Canvas). In this section, you should explain your business rationale for each part of the Weighted Decision Matrix that you worked on.

You will complete your Weighted Decision Matrix and submit your Excel Document here.

Business Finance Homework Help

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