Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Business Environment Analysis

This is an exercise in research for a company- COMCAST. Review worksheets one and two. Look for any ecological, ethical, or moral problems identified in your reviews. On that basis:

STEP 1- Use one or more academic sources to develop a short definition of stakeholders (up to 100 words).

STEP-2. Draw a mind-map of the stakeholders confronting your company in relation to the issue . What makes them stakeholders (third level)? Which stakeholders relate to other stakeholders? Or which stakeholders are secondary stakeholders who depend on the existence of primary stakeholders for their interest (for example, employee families are secondary stakeholders)?

STEP-3: Identify what you think is a critical stakeholder or stakeholder issue in your company’s environment (one component from your mind-map). There might be many critical stakeholders or stakeholder issues, but for this exercise you must choose one.

STEP 4-. Find three high quality academic sources (FROM LIBRARY)that help you understand that one component. (Use the standards for high quality. More than 20 minutes finding each high quality article suggests poor research skills on the part of the student.) Note: Your articles should not directly refer to your source company—this is external research to help your company.

STEP 5-. Briefly summarize the content of each academic source in your own words. Make sure you specify whether it is a theory or research article and in either case, what it concludes. (maximum of 100 words each) Read the materials on how to summarize an academic document.

5. Write a very brief memo style (not APA essay form. Use the “Ingre-Written Image Tips” and the “Developing a Business Recommendation” guides for help) report to the presumed head of your company (actual CEO or relevant Vice-President or senior manager). In this report:

  • Identify the company’s stakeholder or stakeholder issue you think is most significant. This should include at least a two-line rationale for your choice of issue.
  • Explain your research—why you looked at the research you did and what you learned about the company’s situation from the research. Make sure you identify the authors of the research you read as part of explaining what you found (no APA citation necessary beyond author identification).
  • Develop one or more recommendations on how the company could respond to that stakeholder or stakeholder issue effectively based on the research you completed. (For each recommendation ensure there is a logical rationale)

MEMO report should be no longer than 350 words. (Note, it is much better to exceed the report length than to not say something you think must be said.)

  • Cover page in APA style
  • Your report in MEMO form
  • Appendix 1: Stakeholder definition (list all sources).
  • Appendix 2: Mind-map (could be a drawing, a jpeg from a photograph, or an insert from mind-mapping software (for example Coggle). Ensure the details of the mind-map are legible in your final document.
  • Appendix 3: Summary of Article 1 with an APA reference
  • Appendix 4: Summary of Article 2 with an APA reference
  • Appendix 5: Summary of Article 3 with an APA reference
  • Appendix 6: APA reference list of all sources used in developing your report and mind-map


This assignment will be marked out of 100 pts. as follows:

  • Up to 5 pts. for the quality of the problem identification.
  • Up to 10 pts. for the quality of the research explanation.
  • Up to 19 pts. for the quality of the recommendations & rationale.
  • Up to 5 pts. for the quality of the stakeholder definition.
  • Up to 18 pts. for the quality of the mind-map.
  • Up to 18 pts. for the quality of the article summaries (7 pts each)
  • Up to 15 pts. for the quality of the academic sources. (5 pts each)
  • Up to 10 pts. for the quality of the English and proper document style—think of the type and quality of document you would submit to your boss!
    • APA style citations and references are essential for all sources.
    • Note that negative points are possible for serious errors.

Business Finance Homework Help

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