Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. uber, business and finance assignment help

Hello, i need assistance with my business class assignment. In this assignment I have to do a company analysis on Uber so I need background information on the company. The analysis has to be at least a page long and should not exceed 3 pages. Please complete assignment in word doc. Double space, times new roman, 12 font, no footers or headings. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!! No plagiarism what so ever. Be sure to use the correct grammar and punctuation, Include all references. I’ve attached the directions with this question if you need a better understanding. If you look at the project directions, my part of the project that i have to complete is question 2a. under the company analysis section. Please only complete question 2a nothing else. Again the company is uber and the country we are focusing is china. But remember just background information of the company!!! If you have any questions please contact me immediately. This assignment must be completed by Wednesday 5/3 @8pm no later.

Business Finance Homework Help

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