Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. What are the key concepts, ideas, models, theories, instruments, diagnostic tools etc. from each class you have completed — do a reflective inventory.

As a soon to be MBA grad, you will be called upon to use your knowledge to help your organization make better decisions. Your first assignment is to undertake an inventory of all the classes you have completed as part of your MBA program and summarize your learning takeaways.

Please identify – key concepts that you can identify from each and every class taken as part of your MBA

  • Types of analytic tools that were presented/used/referenced in each course?
  • What analytical and/or qualitative models did you discover or learn to use?
  • What theories, constructs, premises were helpful?
  • What are the “generally accepted practices” related to the course content that you need to remember?
  • Are there any “professionally” required analyses, formulas or concepts you need to be familiar with in order to be successful?

Please provide a written an essay(3 or more pages ) and a summary of your answers and share them with other class members prior to our second class meeting on Oct 12.

Business Finance Homework Help

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