Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. The Economic Consequences of Drug Trafficking in Mexico

A 9 page research paper on a topic of your choice. You should incorporate a minimum of 8 sources. APA FORMAT. You might think of this as a long literature review/research paper, but you might also be arguing/advocating for a particular policy/practice (you might discuss prevalence rates, current prevention efforts, and relevant court cases)

Research question: The Economic Consequences of Drug Trafficking in Mexico

  • Intro
  • Explain the relationship between Social status and Criminal behavior (drug related)
  • What drugs do the cartels traffic into the U.S? How does it affect both economies?
  • Explore how drug trafficking affects the economy (national and international)
  • Discuss about the financial dust of drug trafficking and corruption
  • Social class, crime, trends, treatment models
  • Policy and current events (relevant court cases), Landmark cases
  • The War on Drugs and Associated Policies
  • Discussion of the Literature and conclusion
  • Mexico, the United States, and the Criminalization of Drug Control

Business Finance Homework Help

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