Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. i need someone who write critical paper

the subject is :To what extent can we predict entrepreneurial failures?

Number of words 600 words

– select two failure prediction method and evaluate the accuracy of those methods, support it with companies example that they use it, and recommended what the best method could entrepreneur use

– Link theoretical perspective with real business examples.

– Show the clear postion.

– evaluate the evidences

Rubric for the assessment:

1- Demonstrates critical evaluation of connections between theory and practice ( Demonstrates outstanding critical evaluation).

2- Demonstrates appropriate research to evidence conclusions reached ( Demonstrates outstanding evidence of research from a wide range of sources in order to justify conclusions reached)

3- Proposes and justifies recommendations for practice in the subject area ( Outstanding development of recommendations with comprehensive justification to support these).

4- Examines and analyses the main problem, question or issue clearly ( Outstanding examination and analysis which demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the main problem, question or issue).

5- Demonstrates ability to critically evaluate relevant sources of evidence and to interpret and debate these to develop arguments ( Outstanding critical evaluation from a wide range of relevant sources. Interprets evidence accurately, convincingly and systematically in order to debate and to produce convincing arguments).

6- Explains and justifies theoretical perspective, acknowledging and critiquing alternative interpretations ( Outstanding explanation of theoretical perspective with convincing and contrasting alternative interpretations).

7- Conclusions consistent with the findings of the analysis ( Outstanding conclusions have been drawn, which are consistent with the findings of the analysis).

8- Reflects on and assesses potential contributions and limitations of the perspective (Outstanding evidence of reflection and assessment of potential contributions and limitations of the approach).

9- Identifies alternative stakeholder perspectives ( Outstanding acknowledgement and contrasting of alternative stakeholder perspectives)

10- Comprehends the influence of different stakeholder perspectives to the understanding of management issues ( Outstanding comprehension of the influence of different stakeholder perspectives to the understanding of management issues).

11- Demonstrates how multiple stakeholder perspectives may impact managerial effectiveness ( Outstanding understanding of the impact differing stakeholder interests have on managerial action).

Business Finance Homework Help

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