Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Final Project 15 Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the post-DB’s , law homework help

I have attached what I submitted for my week for assignment and below are the comments from instructor

  • Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the post-DB’s following the task, as well as taking into consideration your instructor’s comments.

Finally, the committee will need to propose policies on training and education for earthquake preparedness. Both the organization’s employees and the public will need education and training for the earthquake preparedness plan to be truly effective.

  • Add your responses to the following to your Key Assignment Final Draft:
    • How will the organization address training for employees? Explain in detail.
    • How should the public be trained and educated on earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style

Strengths: Your essay covers the necessary elements. Good use of references.
Opportunities for improvement: Just be sure to add a detailed budget and this will be an excellent Week 5 IP!
Additional Comments: Assignment Guidelines: 1,000–1,250 words. The Budget; Must include a breakdown of the various emergency supplies to be used in the event of an earthquake. Needs to include how many staff members will be needed to operate the emergency preparedness department
You should begin your proposal by identifying the population size being served by your public administration organization.
Identify any other factors about the population being served that are relevant to your overall proposal. Other factors may include the following: Matters related to geography. Needs of a particular subpopulation. Regional weather patterns
Earthquake Policy. This policy needs to stipulate what emergency procedures need to be followed. This policy should include the following: The frequency of earthquake drills by all personnel. Responsibilities for stocking the earthquake supplies. A plan for maintaining the emergency preparedness budget. Identifying Challenges. What challenges might the organization face in implementing and maintaining the operations of the emergency earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail. Remember to support all of your arguments with scholarly resources. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Business Finance Homework Help

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