Biology Homework Help

1. What were your experiences with sex education? 2. Do you think your sex education was timely, thorough, and accurate? 3. Do you wish your sex education had been different? 4. If you were responsibl

1. What were your experiences with sex education? 2. Do you think your sex education was timely, thorough, and accurate? 3. Do you wish your sex education had been different? 4. If you were responsible for teaching a young person about sex, what would you tell them? Due 4/17 Papers will be graded on whether they include following 4 attributes: • Original ideas • compelling arguments • references lecture material • references outside material.

1. What were your thoughts on abortion before watching the film? 2. Have your thoughts on abortion changed after watching this film? 3. Do you feel differently between early-trimester abortion and late-term abortion? If so, where do you draw the line? 4. List 5 reasons women gave for seeking out abortions. 5. What would you do if you were in the same situation as the women seeking abortions in the film? Papers will be graded on whether they include following 4 attributes: • Original ideas • compelling arguments • references lecture material • references outside material

There will be 2 assignment both 2-3 pages will be ok.

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