Biology Homework Help

1) If slime molds were placed in a more toxic environment, does the number of sentinel cells increase proportionally? (Hint, explained in intro) 2) Why did the authors predict that farmers would have

1) If slime molds were placed in a more toxic environment, does the number of sentinel cells increase proportionally? (Hint, explained in intro)

2) Why did the authors predict that farmers would have fewer sentinel cells than non-farmers? What was their hypothesis?

3) Why did the authors predict that farmers would have a lower ability to cope with toxins than non-farmers? What was their hypothesis?

4) Why did the authors predict that farmers would lose their ability to cope with toxins if they lost the symbiotic bacteria? What was their hypothesis?

5) How would you expect the number of sentinel cells to change from farmers to cured farmers along an EtBr path (like experiment 1)?

6) According to Fig. 4, cured non-farmers in the presence of EtBr made statistically similar amounts of spores as which other treatment groups? Name all of them.

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