Assignment Help

Assignment Help. The document I post is the requirement of this assignment.      You can pick an advertisement that you think is successful in garnering voluntary or involuntary attention. Must explain do you think it

The document I post is the requirement of this assignment.     

You can pick an advertisement that you think is successful in garnering voluntary or involuntary attention. Must explain do you think it’s voluntary or involuntary attention.

Involuntary Attention:

•Occurs when a consumer is exposed to something surprising

•Marketers activate the orientation reflex by creating stimuli that stand out from the surrounding context

Voluntary Attention:

•Personal relevance (INVOLVEMENT) — attention

•If you want consumers to voluntarily attend to your message, it must contain information that is important and relevant or interesting to them 

One page writing and attach the picture of the ad you found can get attention.

Assignment Help

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