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Assignment Help. In two different paragraph give your personal opinion to Tyrell Carter and  Alfonso Albright   Alfonso Albright  Healthcare administrators can greatly impact the behavior of others within the organiza

In two different paragraph give your personal opinion to Tyrell Carter and  Alfonso Albright 

 Alfonso Albright 

Healthcare administrators can greatly impact the behavior of others within the organization by ensuring there is a significant amount of accessibility to policies and regulations governing the use of data within the lines of ethical and legal standard(s). Providing a shared digital folder for the department/organization to access, plus continuous review for revisions and updates, and placements of hard copies in a high traffic area within the organization will go along way in influencing individuals within the facility. Tools at the disposal of healthcare administrators for individuals who fail to comply with legal and ethical standard(s) are counseling (in writing) that may be placed on file within the department/HR, remedial training for not just the responsible employee, but the entire staff as a remedy to prevent future occurrences (Pagano, 2017).

Thanks in advance for your comments, corrections, and questions!




Pagano, M. P. . D. . P. P.-C. (2017). Health Communication for Health Care Professionals : An Applied Approach. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Retrieved from

Tyrell Carter 

How can an administrator in a health care organization influence others in the organization to use data legally and ethically? How can an administrator respond to reluctance to comply with legal and ethical standards?

When it comes to healthcare, organizations will influence others in the organization to use ethical data legally and ethically by simply not relying on any third party data because for the simple fact that a third party isn’t quite reliable source of data. Relying a third party could possibly make things a lot misunderstanding and confusing for everyone. Every move within the organization has to use strategic steps to ensure the ethical data is correctly implemented. To also help secure data legally, Many organizations limit access to customers data, due to safety reasoning, and that is definitely understandable because every customer should be safe from their information being exposed to the wrong viewer.

Administrative Ethics and Confidentiality/Privacy Issues. (2019). Retrieved from

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