Assignment Help

Assignment Help.  using your learning from MBA 515 and MBA 550, outline your views on the importance of new ideas and concepts by explaining how you will incorporate entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship into your busi

 using your learning from MBA 515 and MBA 550, outline your views on the importance of new ideas and concepts by explaining how you will incorporate entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship into your business implementation plan. Then explain and justify how your own concept or idea fits within the context of entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship to create change.

In response to your peers, critique their justifications of how their concept or idea fits within the context of entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship to create change. Ask probing questions to challenge your peers to deepen their analysis and justification of their own ideas.  ( I will post the 2 peers work to be evaluated  in a separate question for $10 titled 7  Response  Discussion: Entrepreneurs or Intrapreneurs as Change Agents

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