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Assignment Help. Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: He US invasion of iraq: neo-colonialism at work. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: He US invasion of iraq: neo-colonialism at work. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Human Rights and Non-Proliferation. ostensibly for the betterment of the world community. The reality, however, is quite different. US intervention in various corners of the globe post World War II has left behind a trail of death and destruction, often in the very countries it was meant to benefit. The latest casualty in US attempts to maintain its super-power status is Iraq, where the US is embroiled in a battle of attrition with no clear-cut exit strategy. Apart from service personnel, scores of innocent civilians are daily becoming the victims of terrorism in a deadly escalatory spiral of violence. Has the world become a safer place after the US invasion of Iraq This paper examines some of the arguments propounded by the US and its unflinching ally the UK, to justify the invasion of Iraq in order to expose the true agenda and hidden motives of Operation ‘Iraqi Freedom’. The paper will examine the following:

The events of 9/11 shook the very foundations of US national security. The sight of the twin towers of the World Trade Center crumbling like a house of cards shook the myth of US invincibility. In vowing to crack down on terrorism, the US launched Operation Enduring Freedom, which soon got bogged down in the rugged mountainous terrain of Afghanistan. Worse, Osama Bin Laden remained at large. As the momentum behind the Global War on Terrorism began loosing steam, newer and more formidable challenges had to be found to galvanize the American people. According to Burbach, Roger and Jim Turbell “Concentrating on terrorism for electionprovided an opportunity to highlight Bush’s War on Terror and the need for patriotic Americans to rally behind the flag to support their President.Unfortunately, Osama Bin Laden, the terrorist who had rained fear down on America on 9/11, could not be found. They needed to find a new terrorist to portray as evil incarnate. Saddam Hussein fitted the bill.”1 In the run up to a Presidential election, what better rallying point could there be than a democratic US sallying forth to rescue the downtrodden people of Iraq from the deprivations of Saddam Hussein

The Iraq war, however, was not about Saddam Hussein or even weapons of mass destruction. It was all about oil and control over the Middle East region – a region that is at the heart of world oil production and which has the world’s largest proven oil and gas reserves. It is the source of the energy that drives the global economy, led by the US, and which is imperative for the US’ well being. According to Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, there was no justification for the use of military force against Iraq.2 Iraq was not at all a threat either to the US or to the world at large. In fact, the US had plans to invade Iraq many months before September 11. According to the Sunday Herald, the US had first mooted the idea of the use of military force against Iraq about five months before the September 11 attack, as a means of securing control of its oil.

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