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Assignment Help. Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Insurance Policy to an Oganisation.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Insurance Policy to an Oganisation. Employers have a huge responsibility for their employees. They have to ensure that working conditions set out for employees are safe. In most cases, large organizations have been successful in achieving their goals as a result of good working conditions created for their employees (Athman, 2008). This is due to the fact that employee gets opportunities to maximize their potential hence delivering good results. Employers need to protect employees from injury at the workplace and the employer liability insurance comes in handy when an employee is injured at work. The insurance policy covers any damages or injuries that an employee suffers while executing assigned duties and responsibilities in the workplace. This policy also covers the damages that a spouse of the victim suffers for lacking the services that he or he would have enjoyed had not been the injury suffered by the victim at the workplace. In an organization, working conditions may be okay but an employee happens to suffer an injury when in the process of conducting assigned duties and responsibilities as a result of his negligence (Bernice, 10). In such a situation, the employer is not liable for the injury suffered by the employee. In this report, the researcher will attempt to analyze and explain the benefits of employer liability insurance to an organization.

It is the responsibility of the employer to take good care of employees’ welfare. Organizations are required to ensure that employees are safeguarded from any injury or damage when performing assigned duties in or outside the organization. In case an employee suffers an accident that injures or harms the employee either physically, emotionally or mentally when performing assigned duties, the employer is responsible for compensating the employee. Organizations, therefore, need to find ways of dealing.

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