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Assignment Help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Health Campaign Instructions. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Health Campaign Instructions. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Obesity refers to such objectives as access to health services, diabetes, food safety, physical activity and fitness, quality of life and well-being. These objectives condition rate of obesity in the selected county.

Representatives of the above ethnic groups are inclined to obesity oftener than White and Non-Hispanic Texans. According to Bruce Wright, “71 percent of Hispanics were overweight or obese as were 75.7 percent of African-Americans.” (Wright, 2007) In this case, accurate and reliable statistics were provided by difficult agencies is important. Statistics was borrowed from such federal agencies the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state agencies State Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), University of Texas Health Science Center (Houston), UT Houston of School of Public Health, Texas Education Agency (TEA). As for local agencies, statistics from Texas Youth Fitness Evaluation Project was used. Provided statistics allows making the fundamental analysis of the problem under discussion.

Obesity touches various spheres of life of the population of Harris County such health care system, lifestyle, health care insurances, and employees’ expenses. Texas has the highest obesity rate in the USA. According to CDC, within the period of 1990 – 2005 obesity rate in the state has grown by 200%. High-risk group broadens with the increase of years. University of Texas Health Science Center statistics shows that age group from 18 up to 29 years includes circa 53% of overweight/obese but in the next group this index increases by 14%. It means that Hispanic and African-American women, dwelling in Harris County, are in high-risk groups. They have more personal freedom in the selection of daily ration, type of physical activity, disposal of earnings. At the same time, over 70% of them have low income and nearly 50% are uninsured (Shields, 2007).&nbsp.&nbsp.

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