Assignment Help

Assignment Help. the topic in the attachment  No Plagiarism At ALL The essay are not short answer and should include as much historical details you find. Make sure your essay contains an introduction and conclusion. 

the topic in the attachment 

No Plagiarism At ALL

The essay are not short answer and should include as much historical details you find. Make sure your essay contains an introduction and conclusion. 

1- The essay includes a clear, compelling statement of its thesis, research question, and/or main argument. 

2- The essay is organized effectively into an appropriate number of thoughtfully ordered paragraphs, generally including a strong introduction and conclusion. 

3- develops ideas and arguments carefully, thoroughly, and creatively throughout the essay. 

4-  The essay demonstrates a mastery of diction, syntax, usage, grammar, and mechanics appropriate to college writing at the sophomore level. 

5-  The essay demonstrates a mastery of source material assigned by the instructor.  It draws judiciously and thoroughly on available information from appropriate modules in the course; if required, the student references and cites works appropriately (e.g., parenthetical with page numbers). 

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