Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Pulmonary Embolism. The clots can break free, travel to the lung, and block an artery. The condition can uncommonly be caused from fat escaping from fractured b

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Pulmonary Embolism. The clots can break free, travel to the lung, and block an artery. The condition can uncommonly be caused from fat escaping from fractured bone marrow or from amniotic fluid during childbirth. With a large clot, or many number of clots, pulmonary embolism can cause death.

The process by which a pulmonary embolism forms, begins in the blood stream. Blood flows from the right side of the heart to the lungs where it picks up oxygen. The heart pumps this oxygen-rich blood through arteries delivering it to various parts of the body after which it enters another network of veins. The veins carry the now oxygen-poor blood back to the heart, which pumps the blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen again. A blood clot forming in a vein, commonly a deep vein in the leg, can travel with the blood flow back to the lungs and become lodge there.This leads to pulmonary embolism.

When the lung arteries become blocked by a blood clot, high blood pressure in the lungs may occur. This results in the heart having to pump harder than usual. A continually overworked heart may enlarge and may eventually fail to function. A large pulmonary embolism can result in failure of both the lungs and heart. However, the sooner a physician can diagnose and treat the condition, increases the chances of surviving a pulmonary embolism.

Article Writing Homework Help

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