Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on my thoughts and opinions that i have created Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on my thoughts and opinions that i have created Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Sometimes we all need to know that we cannot decide or escape our calamities easily as they are usually unpredictable. It is through such things that people’s lives change dramatically and before they know it they are physically, emotionally, or socially disable and challenged.

Once people are in such situations, they find themselves isolated as the rest of the community regard them as problematic and unfit to mix with others. My course has made me realize that this kind of perception is very wrong and the worst ever (Powaski, 1987). It is important for everyone to know that human beings are all the same despite their situations in terms of health, state of living, or finance. My class taught me a lot in terms of human life and its possible variations and I was able to know that life may start well and end badly and vice versa. It is also important as I learned, that in life people should expect anything and when a person does not understand other humans’ unfortunate situations and show remorse, they are likely to also suffer in the same way due to lack of attention from sympathizers.

I also was able to understand that people may see the unfortunate on the streets or neighborhood and ignore them not because they despise or hate them, but because they do not know how to approach the situations. Sometimes people also ignore them due to the fact that they experience a creepy feeling due to how the individuals look (bad state) even though they may be willing to assist (Langley, 2009). I will also admit that before the course I had a somehow similar problem of not knowing how to go near such a person, but now I am professionally capable of doing what needs to be done in order to change the person situation and at least make them feel accepted and loved in the society. Taking a career as a Community Help profession has made me proud because apart from assisting people in the community to change their living conditions and encourage them in life, I have also been able to make other people who are fortunate to understand that they are not more special or important than the less fortunate.

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