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Need an research paper on shift-share analysis of a local government area. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on shift-share analysis of a local government area. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism. In this paper, the shift-share analysis focuses on a comparison of the economic performance of the stipulated states in terms of the creation of job opportunities for the citizens of the two states. To achieve this, various sectors of the country’s economy within the two distinct states are considered for the analysis. The general trend within the two states seems similar, which implies the economy of the entire country is also the same in terms of job creation and employment rate.

Typically, shift analysis is based on employment creation and the generation of income from a wide range of economic productive sectors. These are mainly the sectors, which act as the strongholds in a given country, for which the citizens rely on for their earnings. The paper is therefore presented based on the data interpreted using the information given from Gold Coast and Queensland (Giuseppe, and Badi, 2008, page 348).

In this analysis, the main factor argued, and envisaged is the rate of employment creation in the economy in the various sectors. In Queensland, the highest number of employees is seen in the retail trade sector, accounting for 181,136 workers. This sector is also omg those sectors with the highest employment growth rate since it shows a 17.94 % growth from 2001 to 200y6 and about 2.29% from 2006 to 2011. The mining sector shows the highest growth between the two periods which include 59.9% between 2001 and 2006, as well as 71.71% between 2006 and 2011. On the contrary, Agriculture, forestry, and fishing is the worse sector with an increasing decline in the number of employees in the two periods. From 2001 to 2006, the growth is presented by a 17.38% decrease, while between 2006 and 2011, the growth is also negative by 0.0275%. The government seems to be doing something about the sector in order to increase the capacity of job creation. The only other services showing a negative change in employment between the two periods are information media and communication, and Rental, hiring, and real estate services.&nbsp.

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