Article Writing Homework Help

Write 10 pages with APA style on Designing Quality Assessments. The person being assessed also needs to know how the scoring is done, with respect to the criteria chosen and the importance of each cri

Write 10 pages with APA style on Designing Quality Assessments. The person being assessed also needs to know how the scoring is done, with respect to the criteria chosen and the importance of each criterion for the overall score. This is because “learning increases when learners have a sense of what they are setting out to learn, a statement of explicit standards they must meet and a way of seeing what they have learned” (Loacker, Cromwell & O’Brien, 1986)

The assessment will be done as part of the ongoing daily work of the person concerned. We will select a meeting that the person is to lead, for a nominal period of 45 – 60 minutes. We will evaluate the person’s performance in speaking confidently to others on the following basis:

What external signs of confidence does the person show (rated on a level from one to five, where one is none and five is excellent – if however, the person overdoes it, then assessors should subtract points accordingly)

These points carry equal weight as each one is important to convey confidence while talking to other people. The assessment will be shared with the person concerned afterward. Knowledge of the assessors’ viewpoint will help the person understand the relationship between the way he/she thinks that he/she replies to these criteria and the way that his/her performance is assessed by others.

Assessing effective working in a team requires a longer-term approach for the assessment. An attempt to measure this by an assessment of very short duration would run the risk of being unrepresentative of the person’s performance. For these reasons, we chose the portfolio assessment which has the characteristic of being an ongoing, rather than an episodic assessment (AAHE, 1996). In addition to this, completing the portfolio assessment becomes part of the learning process for the person concerned where the goal is as much to affect the learner’s growth, instead of just passively measuring it (Courts & McInerney, 1993).&nbsp.

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