Article Writing Homework Help

Write 10 pages with APA style on Managing Customers and Quality. Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering, construction, operations and maintenance.To

Write 10 pages with APA style on Managing Customers and Quality. Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering, construction, operations and maintenance.

To maintain its success in existing markets and to enter new markets, JE needs to re-evaluate its current marketing mix. This report will discuss the current situation in this regard and redefine JE’s objectives due to changes in clients’ needs and expectations. To achieve this, the external and internal environment of the company is examined for potential influences that could lead to changes within the organization that will result in customer expectations being fulfilled. The services provided by JE and it’s positioning in the present market is also looked at. The resulting strengths and weaknesses in addition to the opportunities and threats will be identified to ultimately provide strategies to compete globally and take advantage of existing opportunities. These objectives are SMART as per table 1.

As a broad-based technical professional consulting firm, JE offer a complete range of services to help our clients maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets. From feasibility studies to operations and maintenance (O&M), we customize our services to meet clients’ business and project goals. Our global network of technical experts work under a boundary less, seamless philosophy so that clients’ receive the best, most economical project or program solution, worldwide. JE offer its services worldwide therefore more prone to be affected by external influences. It works in different social set-ups and so it needs to understand different culture and society. Technological innovations and its inclusion in services of JE play a very crucial role in providing best of services. Services provided by JE have to be economically prudent. Economic conditions of different countries in which JE operating as well as countries economic policies play a crucial role in JE success. Presently environmental factors are the major cause for concern in every country and almost for every project to be started. So JE policies and its commitment for health, safety and environment keep it in front of others. Finally the political situation and political decision-making plays an important role in almost every part of the world and it affects JE’S policies also. Working in global set-up JE has to deal with different political situation and ability to deal such situations decides the growth of the organisation.

Basically external and internal environment and influences for any organisation could be appropriately discussed with the help of Porter’s Model (Johnson and Scholes, 2006).

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, which is described below:

Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry attractiveness and long-run industry profitability.

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