Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on How Can the Security Manager Deal with Violence in the Workplace. Write a 3750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on How Can the Security Manager Deal with Violence in the Workplace. Write a 3750 word paper answering; Various diverse actions in the work atmosphere can activate or cause workplace violence. This may happen even as a consequence of non-work-related conditions such as domestic violence or violence caused by a rude employee, a manager, supervisor, co-worker, customer, family member, or even an unfamiliar person. Whatever may cause workplace violence is to be prevented. But to deal with such situations, there are no definite means to foresee human activities. even though there may be some warning signs, there is no exact outline of a highly unsafe person. Recognizing any problem at the early stage and dealing with them is the best prevention (USDA, 1998).

When one hears the term ‘workplace violence’ usually brings up the frightening images of unhappy or disturbed employees and events that occasionally appear in newspaper headlines and national TV news. This news may have supported to create a general consciousness of workplace violence. Normally, workplace murders are done by non-employees more often than my co-workers. But other types of workplace violence are much more common than killing. As far as the majority of employers are concerned, managing workplace violence is dealing with harassment, threats, non-fatal physical attacks, and other behaviors that elevate anxiety for the security of public or assets. These events are the root cause of the workplace violence problem which spreads to industries and has an effect on large and small employers equally.

Workplace violence can be understood as follows: Workplace violence indicates to a wide range of manners that, because of the character and/or harshness, considerably influence the workplace, cause anxiety for individual security, or effect in physical harm or death. The lower level of the workplace violence can stretch out to the unruly, destructive, antagonistic, or sensitively insulting behaviors that produce concern or develops an environment of mistrust, and that harmfully influence efficiency and self-confidence.&nbsp.

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