Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gay Marriage as Florida Political Issue. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gay Marriage as Florida Political Issue. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Gay marriage refers to marriage between two people of the same sex. Gay marriage has been legalized in most states of America. Florida, however, is one of the states that banned gay marriage (Murray, 2010). The issue is important as it drew several court cases which termed the ban as unconstitutional. The county through their attorney general appealed the court ruling in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, however, has recently withdrawn from the case thus leaving the federal court ruling intact. It is also important because it has become a political issue. It was one of the key topics during a debate by two gubernatorial candidates this year. The current governor Scott faced Mr. Crist a democratic candidate on the issue. They both took opposing sides on the issue in the debate. These points out the importance of the issue since it was one of the topics discussed in the debate. Gay marriage is a contemporary political issue in Florida.

Gay Marriage

Florida does not legally recognize marriage between two people of the same sex. The first ban was in 1977 when gay marriages were banned by statute. In 1997, the state added a ban on the acknowledgment of marriages alienating from other jurisdictions. The state came up with a legislature that recognized marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The bill, however, was passed into law without the governor’s signature. The state of Florida introduced an amendment to the public in 2008 (Johnson, 2012). The amendment banned civil partnership and gay marriages in the state. The amendment required 60% approval from the voters. The amendment was voted for by 62% of those who voted. Five years later, two organizations were formed in 2013 to help in overturning the amendment in the elections, which were slated in 2014. The two organizations based in Florida were Get Engaged and Equal Marriage. The amendment drew a number of court cases this year. On the 21st day of August 2014, a district court made its verdict by ruling against the ban and terming it unconstitutional. Two more cases against the ban won victory after the courts also termed the amendment as unconstitutional.

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