Article Writing Homework Help

Write 6 pages with APA style on To What Extent Can Propaganda Be Successful In The 21st Century.

Write 6 pages with APA style on To What Extent Can Propaganda Be Successful In The 21st Century. At the time of war or some other critical situations, politicians strategically used propaganda information, to instigate a positive approach among the audiences’ minds. For instance, during the time of the Iraq War and 9/11, to generate a positive image for the US government, electronic media of the US paid due to stress on reporting propaganda information to establish strong support for their nations. Propaganda information has created strong support, which further encouraged the public to report crime taking additional social responsibilities (Taylor, 1999). Notably, most of the countries have been under the threat of terrorism. To make those countries free from such social threats, the help of print and electronic media shall be inevitable to encourage correct representation of the information through propaganda, about terror or war among the public.

Many times in recent decades, modern civilization has witnessed destructive terrorist attacks, wars, civil strife. With the help of journalists from varied nations, people have been informed about these situations, which certainly illustrate the quality significance of propaganda in the 21st century. In this regard, globalization, people from different regions had to remain dependent on updated on the propaganda published through print media journalism. In the previous era, electronic journalism was not as strong as it is in the present scenario. For instance, during World War II, newspapers and journals were the only mediums through which, people of war-affected areas could obtain information about the situation. Globalization has certainly changed the scenario of journalism. It is in this context that the on-rush of digital communication (Rutherford, 2004), such as the internet, mobile phone, and social media has developed a new path for propagandists of varied nations in the 21st century. Again, taking the example of the terrorist attack in 9/11, the US nation’s propagandists had fruitfully used media to claim that this mass destruction is an act of terrorism.

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