Article Writing Homework Help

There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150 words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response. CIS555 discussion 1 post responses. Re

There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150 words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response.

CIS555 discussion 1 post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

“Central Repository and Threat Modeling” Please respond to the following:

•From the e-Activity, provide three examples of unintentional security threats and three examples of intentional security threats. Determine which of these examples puts an organization at a higher risk and explain why.

•Propose three advantages and three disadvantages of using a central repository. Determine which advantages are the most important to an organization and which disadvantage is the most limiting to an organization.

SP’s post states the following:

From the e-Activity, provide three examples of unintentional security threats and three examples of intentional security threats. Determine which of these examples puts an organization at a higher risk and explain why.

Unintentional security threats could be considered as security breaches, software bugs, and programming errors. These things are unintentional because it was not planned for these issues to happen (Mendzef, 2018).

Intentional security threats are things such as stealing credit card information, hacking programming codes, and intentionally setting improper parameters of software that destroys data (Mendzef, 2018).

All of these things puts an organization at high risk. Security breaches are very common and make it into the media quite often. Companies not only have to spend money to fix the data, but nut they also lose customers due to lack of trust, and this is also lost finances.

Propose three advantages and three disadvantages of using a central repository. Determine which advantages are the most important to an organization and which disadvantage is the most limiting to an organization.

Three advantages of a central repository is that is one location where data is stored and maintained, multiple databases can be used in one location, and there is no need to travel across multiple networks for access. Some of the disadvantages are that the codes may be more complexed; there will be ongoing maintenance because of how large it is; maybe a high investment (Teleonic, 2018). The greatest advantage is that the central repository allows data integration and allows changes to be seen across the organization. The greatest disadvantage is the ongoing updates and coding that may be time-consuming.


Mendzef, G. (2018). Cybersecurity Threats: Unintentional Vs. Intentional. Retrieved from

Teleonic. (2018). Benefits of a Central Repository. Retrieved from central repository is a,or updated throughout an organization.&text=Having all information in a,easily organized, analyzed and secured.

CIS555 discussion 2 post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

“Formal Language Specification” Please respond to the following:

•Examine the syntax and semantics of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) closely. Determine whether you find it easier or harder to read and understand than other formal modeling languages. Provide a rationale.

•Differentiate between instance variables and state variables and provide examples of each. Determine which of the two types of variables could adversely impact a design if used improperly in a system and explain why.

MH’s post states the following:

Examine the syntax and semantics of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) closely. Determine whether you find it easier or harder to read and understand than other formal modeling languages. Provide a rationale.

I find all formal modeling languages difficult to comprehend. However, of the various formal modeling languages discussed in the course text (e.g., LTL, Z, SCR), LTL was easier to understand than many of the others because, when read, the LTL specifications are similar to their natural language counterparts (Lamsweerde, 2009).

Differentiate between instance variables and state variables and provide examples of each. Determine which of the two types of variables could adversely impact a design if used improperly in a system and explain why.

Instance variables are variables that are declared in a class. They are created when an object of the class is instantiated, and each object has its own copy of the variables. Lambsweerde provides an example on page 363 of the course text; each instance of the class Train will have speed, acceleration, and DoorState. State variables are “an attribute or association whose value may be changing over time” (Lamsweerde, 2009, p. 587). Each of the instance variables listed before are also state variables; for example, the DoorState may be “Open” or “Closed” and speed may be a value => 0 and less than the maximum allowable/possible speed.

Of the two types of variables, the improper use of state variables would be more detrimental to the design of a system. Agents that perform operations on state variables that are not used properly will result in system that does not behave as desired.


Lamsweerde, A. van. (2009). Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to software specifications. West Sussex, England: John Wiley.

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