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Write a 6 pages paper on homosexuality in the us military. He expressed the same assessment on numerous occasions with a firm belief that the government “should not lift the ban in wartime.” Amos’s po

Write a 6 pages paper on homosexuality in the us military. He expressed the same assessment on numerous occasions with a firm belief that the government “should not lift the ban in wartime.” Amos’s position does not come as a surprise. Associated Press reported on 11-27-2010 that the Marines are the “military’s biggest opponents of lifting the ban on openly gay troops.”. The same article cites Pentagon survey of 400,000 active duty and reserves that found that most of those serving in America’s armed forces have no strong objections to repealing the “don’t ask don’t tell.” At the same time, the survey did find that the most significant resistance to repealing the ban is among members of the Marine Corps.

Amos’s position is, also, indicative of a way in which majority of uniformed military sees this highly controversial issue. While, Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff supports repealing the ban, along with President and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, many top officers agree with General Amos. Army’s Gen. George Casey and former Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Conway are staunchly opposed to” making any changes when the military is fighting large, protracted wars with its all-volunteer force.” Back in 2007, General Peter Pace, ahead of Joint Chiefs of Staff called homosexual acts immoral when answering a question from Chicago Tribune. He added that “military mission fundamentally rests on the trust…… and the homosexual lifestyle does not comport with that kind of trust and confidence. (Newsweek Magazine) Military officials say that the service chiefs worry most about a “cultural backlash and displays of intolerance that would make the military look as if it had lost control of its troops.

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