Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Groups Process and Practice of Discussion. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Groups Process and Practice of Discussion. It needs to be at least 250 words. The counselors usually approach the counseling process from a technical perspective considering the delicate experiences and feelings of members of the groups. All the groups rely on good cohesion among the members, which helps in facilitating effective and quick treatment of the members (Corey & Corey, 2010). Members of the individual groups usually have common challenges and similar mental conditions.

In terms of format, groups on HIV/AIDS, college students, and perpetrators of domestic violence usually begin sessions by introduction between the leaders and the individual members. The groups then prepare rules, goals, and objectives desired to govern operations of the individual groups. The following sessions involve activities such as persuading members to accept their condition and work to improve the challenges faced to be able to live better lives (Corey & Corey, 2010). In all the groups, members are aware of every activity and processes to accomplish at every session.

According to Corey and Corey (2010), short-term goals of groups of HIV/AIDS, college student and perpetrators of domestic violence is usually to prepare members for the actual activities of the group and involve encouraging acceptance, trust and adaptability of the members to make them feel as being part and owners of the groups. Long-term goals of all the mentioned groups involve influencing change in attitude and perception of the world and the challenges faced. In the long term, the groups focus on making members implement the changes and skills gained during the group sessions.

The similarities discussed have particular impacts on how one can organize and develop groups of HIV/AIDS, college students, and perpetrators of domestic violence. The organizational structure of the groups can help one ensure to recruit members with the same conditions into one group. This is important in creating uniformity, trust, understanding, and courage among the individual members. Considering the format of the groups, an individual wanting to develop groups of the same natures can ensure to create sufficient time and space for the members to exercise active roles in the groups. The short and long term goals can help an individual person wanting to develop groups of the same stature involve members in the establishing the goals and ensure that nurturing of relationships and understanding dominate the short term goals, as the achievement of the desired change dominate the long-term goals.

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