Article Writing Homework Help

***Doctorate Level Questions*** No Plagiarism….Paraphrase the content, and provide Citations and at least TWO Reference Sources for each question provided….Please provide a substantive response fo

***Doctorate Level Questions*** No Plagiarism….Paraphrase the content, and provide Citations and at least TWO Reference Sources for each question provided….Please provide a substantive response for EACH question. Each question should each have a word count of 150 words or more….Please provide appropriate foundational knowledge, be factual, and enhance the dialogue….Please do not recite the same words just to provide word count….

Question One

What is enterprise data analytics? What are the two most important reasons for using data analytics in business today? Explain.

Question Two

Name one thing that can be improved with the format of the course to make it easier for students and how do you recommend it be changed?

Question Three

What is the difference between data mining, data warehousing, and data analytics? Data mining, data warehousing, and data analytics have many similarities but are very different. Include in your answer these differences.

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