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Write 8 pages thesis on the topic e-mail and ethics from employer to employee point of view.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic e-mail and ethics from employer to employee point of view. It is vital to take an extra minute to organize and review your thoughts prior to keying them into the text box and pressing the “send” button. This dictates the field of email etiquette. Email etiquette is the appropriate and adequate behavior expected from an email sender. It is mainly apprehensive with issues of courteousness in email communications (Williams, 2012). When someone uses the appropriate email etiquette, it shows efficiency and professionalism. When someone uses the inappropriate email etiquette, it provides a wrong or poor impression to the addressee and it portrays a lack of respect and care. Email etiquette is significant since people correspondences reveal a lot about them and it offers an instant intuition to the individual getting the email (Jimenez, 2009). There are a number of things, which are suitable when composing an email to another person and certain things, which are plainly not. Another explanation why it is significant is because people want to ensure they come across as friendly, respectful, as well as approachable. They do not want to sound demanding or curt back to impressions. Also, they do not want to provide the wrong ones from the wording of their email.

1. Email is a useful internal communication method (Jimenez, 2009). Corporate managers, executives, supervisors and non-supervising workers overpoweringly concur that email is a successful way to communicate at work.

2. Workplace email agitates for an overhaul, but it should not be eradicated. Many employees and leaders concur that email should be improved by implementing email rules or etiquette (Jimenez, 2009). Few argue that email should not be used outside business hours. Supervisors, managers and workers spend a lot of time on irrelevant emails, which leads to a loss in wages and productivity at work.

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