Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on volunteer tourism Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on volunteer tourism Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Despite the positive impact that volunteer tourism has had it has also been blamed for the negative effects it has had on local communities (Wearing, 2001). Volunteer tourism can be divided into. social tourism, cultural tourism, Alternative tourism, eco-tourism, moral tourism, responsible tourism, charity tourism and serious leisure. Even though volunteer tourism became popular when secondary and college students became interested in it, its main turning point was experienced in the 1980s when concepts like sustainable tourism, eco-tourism and responsible tourism emerged.

Volunteer tourism compliments the services of none governmental organization and other community based organizations. The communities reached by volunteer tourism are always remote and served by mostly served by nongovernmental organizations that sometimes run out of funds (Wearing, 2001). When volunteer tourists visit these communities, they help these organizations continue serving these communities (Ellis, 2007). By putting up services like counseling, hospitals and schools, volunteer tourism help the community based organizations offer the much needed services to the members of the host communities.

The positive impact of volunteer tourism is also seen in the host communities in the form of direct financial support that volunteer tourists inject into the economy of these local communities. According to Gattentag (2009) volunteer tourists always support their host families during the time of their stay. Volunteer tourists also lias with local organizations through which they channel their funds which helps avoid embezzlement of funds ensuring maximum benefit to the intended recipients in the local communities (Ellis, 2001). The direct financial support ensures local employment and improved facilities to the host communities.

Volunteer tourism has been economically beneficial to the local communities where the activities take place. Volunteer tourist groups sometimes partner&nbsp.with local organizations to offer services in the community.

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