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Need an research paper on do we have a cabinet or prime ministerial government in britain today. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on do we have a cabinet or prime ministerial government in britain today. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. In the absence of any written constitution, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom seems to have sweeping powers. Depending upon the way, he functions, new media has slotted the government in one of the two types i.e whether he follows consensus as in Cabinet type of government or is authoritarian. Barring the few prime ministers, the rest of the prime ministers, have followed a set code of collective decision making. The cabinet, comprising of ministers, forms a collective political executive. The prime minister delegates and distributes responsibilities of various departments amongst various ministers who are chosen by him. Since the power of the cabinet rests on the support of the majority party…. it places constraints on the power of both the PM and the Cabinet (The New British Politics,2004,pp129).

Over the period, the prime ministers have followed a democratic pattern of working. The major issues have been discussed at length on the floor of the house and decisions made accordingly. Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, and a few others have been the exception. With a strong conviction of their own on certain issues, they had gone ahead with them with total disregard for public opinion or that of their colleagues. This type of behavior by the prime ministers is not tolerated for a long period of time and both the prime ministers had to lose their office subsequently in the general elections!

All political parties promote one of their leaders as a prime ministerial candidate during a general election, who later on assumes the office if the party wins. Tony Blair’s labor party had a landslide victory in 1997 elections which was followed by yet another thumping majority in 2001. The third term saw the waning popularity of the labor party in 2005. Nevertheless, the winning spree in three consecutive terms is significant and has projected Tony Blair as the face of the party and as one of the most dynamic young leaders of the present time.

In 1997, when Tony Blair first got elected as the prime minister, he had won with an absolute majority.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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