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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses international politics and international events.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses international politics and international events. The ideas are thus correlated to the general democratic and isocratic behaviors employed by individuals on the international levels. For instance, as a result of the wars that occur as a result of the unprocedural democratic process leading to wars and many injustices, individuals tend to way on the opportunity cost of having peace as a result of a good political process. &nbsp.These uprisings have been influenced by poor democratic processes, thus the competitive political nature has led many individuals to recognize the importance of a fair political process. (Paul 512). The individual democracy standards high is hence of transparent and fair contributing to a good political process around many people since the benefits derived exceeds as a result isocratic and democratic events exceeds the events of conflicts.

Recent actions at international events have seen individual leaders change their behaviors and policies on how they govern society. For instance in 2011, the occupying of Wall Street by the activists in New York, where the poor were striking against the rich demanding equality from the government. This action spread to all countries over the world causing discontent in many countries. This issue has led to changes in the recognition of the less privileged in society (Paul 512). This has led to more isocratic behavior in the social ways in the ruling systems e.g. by setting a minimum wage to reduce disparities among individuals so as to minimize industrial interruptions.&nbsp. Policies have also been formulated that enable easy access to wealth to all and equitable distribution of incomes which has been shaped by egalitarianism in the political processes of major countries as their policies are centered towards improving the social issues that affect their countries.

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